
Friday, October 5, 2012

30 Days of Photographs III: Lotion

Day 5 of 30 Days of Photographs III. Don’t lose hope, it will get better, I promise. Add your link at the bottom of the page, stop crying and go check out the other photos. Tomorrow is Vibration, that’s going to be fun, right? Right?!


Day 5. My arch-nemesis. I would like to be able to say that it wasn’t me who came up with this prompt, but the truth is that Michael and I got ridiculously drunk before writing the list, and I can’t remember whose idea it was anymore. The past few days I’ve spent way too much time thinking about lotion, trying to think of any way to make lotion look good without resorting to dirty tricks. I couldn’t come up with anything even remotely interesting. So without further ado, I give you... plain old boring lotion.

But, wait now. Let’s play a game of word association instead. I say "lotion," what do you say? "Handjob," right? Wrong! You say "creamy." Because lotion is creamy. Well cream is creamy, too. And cream is just a tiny little step away from ice cream. Now ice cream, I can work with that. So, without even further ado, I give you... a made-by-Ziva gooey brownie with dulce de leche and a couple of scoops of ice cream. Enjoy.



  1. That brownie is stunning. I want her to marry me and bear our offspring, I'm going to woo her with jewelry, the finest of everything life has to offer and my American charm.

    Mostly jewelry and the fine things. I gotta go with my strengths here.

  2. i bypassed my mind and just went with lotion. :) love your photo, great comp!

  3. Thanks, V! It wasn't quite as literal as your photo, but it got the job done. ;)

  4. Thanks, Cheryl, I think we're all going to be smooth as babies' bottoms after today is over.

  5. Um, this is really awkward, but that's a male brownie..

  6. I don't know why but BOTH of those pictures make me very hungry. And yes, I am aware that this makes me sound like a total freak.

  7. Or as we're prone to saying in these part: slicker'n shit.

  8. I love word association... especially when you and Michael are involved!

  9. I think I'd much prefer to eat the brownie the the lotion. I like this word-association thing. Yum. But I like photos. The softness of the background in each is exquisite.

  10. Thanks, dufus, I have great lenses to help achieve that depth of field. :) And I'm with you, I'd much rather eat the brownie than the lotion. In fact, I did eat it.

  11. I'm sorry, I kinda already sort of.. ate it.

  12. Everything is better when Michael and I are involved. :D

  13. I can't believe you spent your time considering dirty tricks when you could have been making hundreds of thousands of brownies for the masses. Meanwhile the masses, absolutely starving, have probably been living off lotion. This has most likely led to a worldwide lotion shortage which has led to widespread unhappiness.You have a lot to answer for.

  14. Yes, a little. But that's okay, I love you anyway. Just don't eat the lotion, okay?

  15. Holy crap, I didn't realise what I was doing.. I can see the error of my ways now, and I shall spend the entire day in the kitchen, making you a brownie so you won't speak for the masses anymore.

  16. Should have known that you would have it be bi. That's so...well...Finnish. ;)

  17. Is that peanut butter in there? Oh, I hope so...

  18. Well I am bi...lingual, after all.

  19. Nope, not peanut butter this time. Caramel. I hope I didn't disappoint. ;)

  20. At least post the recipe - for the brownie, not the lotion.

  21. I have a cold right now and SO not hungry (plus it's 7:53am) and ordinarily I would be absolutely drooling over that brownie and challenging Mike to a duel. However, as it stands, I wouldn't be able to taste the difference between the two right now.

  22. But I'm deeply attracted to that brownie....I don't understand what's going here....I feel funny inside....

  23. That's what she said.

  24. I needtofindoutwhere youliveso I can come get me a piece of that delicious brownie! My mouth is watering just looking at it. As for your lotion, no matter how boring you think it is, you managed to make it look very interesting. :)

  25. Drool! That lotion is too darn sexy and that brownie, well, um, it wouldn't last long around here.

  26. So now the truth comes out - the topics are the result of a drunken party fest. The handjob reference on this post all makes sense now.

  27. Hah, it didn't last very long around here, either. ;)

  28. Well, depending on where exactly you live, you're probably in for a fairly long swim to get to Turku, but on the plus side, I can totally come pick you up from the harbour. ;)

  29. You wouldn't be able to taste the difference between Mike and the brownie? I think it's safe to say that the more chocolatey one is the brownie.

  30. I can't be telling you people all my secrets, I need to save something for Day 14. ;)

  31. That doesn't even make sense.

  32. It would be so hilarious to replace the lotion in the jar with ice cream. What a great prank that would be!

  33. How pedestrian. I'd think you'd be up for replacing the lotion in the jar with "lotion."

  34. Laughing at what Mike said. Dare I say, "Great shot!" in lieu of the handjob reference. No, I better not. But they are great photographs.

  35. Once again, I LOVE crisp shots with blurry backgrounds....perfectly done!

  36. It doesn't, I admit. Sometimes, when I write down the first thing that pops into my head, it's a fail. I can't always be up. I mean, on.

  37. The last thing I remember is sipping at the gin and tonic Ziva handed me. Then everything went dark. When I woke several hours later, the list of prompts had mysteriously expanded to include lotion. I was as surprised as anybody. And for reasons that I can't explain, I felt dirty and used. Which is to say that I felt good. Really good.

  38. Oh sure, I'd definitely be up for "that".

    That's where the quotes go, right?

  39. It's all creamy goodness as far as I can see.

  40. Anyone that can turn lotion into brownies and ice cream is pretty fine in my book. I'd say more but you know how those Alabamians are about their sweets...

  41. Sometimes that's all we really need, isn't it, some creamy goodness. ;)

  42. OMG! That ice cream looks incredibly delicious!



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