Mr. Dufus, my dearest friend,
It’s your birthday today, which I’m sure you’re painfully aware of by now. We all love you and your wonderful puns, you liven up the blogosphere (horrible word, that), and your wit and humour never fail to make me smile. There is nothing I want more than to celebrate this day with you.
I realise, of course, that I’m in a faraway land in a distant time zone with weird food and odd languages, and I won’t be able to make it to Canada for the party. I do, however, have a birthday present for you.
Several, in fact.
Twenty, to be more precise.
I’m going to need you to count them out for me, and remember to thank me for each one.
And afterwards, we can have a glass of bubbly together. I'll even bake a cake.
The Flogging Blogger *

For Dufus