I would like to think I'm one of those self-righteous people who are not addicted to anything and are perfect in every way. but sadly, I’m not one of them. I bet you didn’t know that my cat actually has three names. The first is a fancy regal name given to him by the breeder, a name which I’ve told myself is so ridiculous I would never say it out loud. The second is a beautiful name that M and I have given to him with love, to describe both his temperament and his handsome looks, a name that we lovingly use for him when he’s being especially cute: Darth Vader. And the third name is the one we use every day, all day: Pepsi.
Why Pepsi, you might ask. Well, I’ll tell you why. Pepsi Max is the drink of the Gods. Twice the caffeine compared to Coca-Cola, it’s guaranteed to wake you up when you’re falling asleep at your desk. Which I never do. Especially not earlier today. There’s just something about the caffeine and the little bubbles and the taste of brain-rottingly sweet chemicals that just gets me going. And it’s perfect for someone who loves caffeine but hates the taste of coffee. Keep your Coke, my drug of choice is Pepsi Max.
No money exchanged hands for this endorsement, but if anyone from PepsiCo happens to be reading this, I do accept PayPal. *

Thirty Days of Photographs: My Addiction