
Saturday, July 16, 2011

Thirty Days of Photographs: Green

If everything works out according to plan, I will be busy suffering through enjoying the dynamic pop duo Roxette in concert as this post goes up. When trying to think of something for this theme, I tried to think of the word green. Environmental issues and recycling came to mind. Fruits and vegetables. Envy. How an artist will create the color green by mixing blue and yellow until he gets the exact shade he wants.

I didn’t end up working with any of those ideas, though. While trying to take a picture for another theme later in the list, I looked up and I saw this couple. They were sitting all alone in a sea of green, looking out over Aura River in the late evening sun. And I knew this was my Green picture.



  1. That may be the most beautiful scene I have ever encountered.  The flowers, the blond girl in the blue sweater, the gorgeous rocks, the way the sun sparkles off the water!  Damn, Ziva, this is enough to make me want to move to Finland.  Snow pictures, not so much.  I love Roxette!

  2. That's a great pic. Here in Canada we call that a Cialis commercial.

  3. 'K, seriously? All that's missing from that picture is a unicorn across the lake, head dipped to take a drink of water. That photo is...magical.

    I can't believe you made me say that. Stop taking such great pictures, dammit!!

  4. I just checked and tomorrow's theme is happiness. Dammit. You better take a picture of shoes. Or zombies.

  5. I quit. This green photo makes me green with envy -- of you, and of the couple. It's such a wonderfully romantic, magical scene, I can't help but wish I was there with my girl. I cant help but imagine that they are about to kiss for the first time.

    Great work, Linda. You shame me with this one.

  6. A very beautiful picture.  I am curious, though, as to what those things are on the other side of the river.  They kind of look like gigantic asparagus stumps or 'roaches' discarded by some extremely large Rastafarian titans.


  7. Wow.... That's breathtaking, looks like a painting, good shooting.

  8. What?  They have beautiful scenery in Finland? 


    Unlike here.

    I love the flowers but yeah, what are those stick-like things on the other side of the water?

  9. You don't fool me. Sure, the setting APPEARS peaceful and green, but I'm pretty sure that when you get close to those two, they'll turn around to reveal their horrific zombie faces. Don't get too close.

  10. Thank you, Linda, I'm so glad you liked it. It really was a beautiful scene, and I was lucky to come across this couple on the rock. If you move to Finland I'll show you that rock and we'll sit on it and enjoy the sunset with a bottle of wine.

  11. So basically you're saying that they'll be getting it on any second now. Too bad I didn't stick around for that, it would have made an awesome "Desire" pic.

  12. Heh heh, you said "magical." 

  13. I tried to find some zombies to photograph, but apparently Europe's bad economy has caused them all to move south for the summer. 

  14. You're such a romantic, Mike. They actually did kiss after I got that shot, but I didn't catch it on camera.

    And I didn't shame you with this, your picture of the golf course was outstanding. Truly fantastic.

  15. I think those are there to keep the riverbank from sliding into the river. Although, gigantic asparagus stumps do seem more believable, now that you mention it.

  16. Of course we have beautiful scenery in Finland, you didn't think this was the North Pole or something, did you? ;)

    The stick-like things are gigantic toothpicks.

  17. How did you know?? I actually had to sacrifice M to get this shot. We got in close enough to get the shot, and when they heard the shutter they came for us. I ran with the camera and M threw himself to the zombies, yelling for me to save myself. He was a good man.

  18. I really want to go there and do that!!!

  19. Gorgeous scenery. I bet this couple would love to have a copy of this photo.

  20. Yeah, too bad I went all stalker on their ass and took their picture and then left without letting them know I'd ever been there.

  21. beautiful. absolutely , beautiful.

  22. Thanks, Meleah. :) I'm glad you liked it.



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