This is my little sister. She is the most beautiful thing I have.
One rude comment or inappropriate suggestion, and I will hunt you down and feed you to the cats.
This post is a part of the 30 Days of Photographs II challenge. Please visit the rest of the participants for more fantastic photos: MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Mariann, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen and Katherine. *
Like Cheryl's photo, which I saw earlier this morning, this one works for its subtlety, for what it doesn't show. Very sensuous.
ReplyDeleteBut I thought you were going to show us the rest of the mirror shot earlier. ;)
She's simply glowing. I'd like to read her mind. It was very nice of her to pose for you.
ReplyDeleteYeah, she was very nice to go along with my crazy ideas. I actually had several really great shots where you couldn't see her face, but I liked this one because you kind of want to know what she's thinking. Of course it's most likely "are you done soon???"
ReplyDeleteHah, how can you be certain I was nude when taking that photo? Were you hiding in the closet, perhaps? ;)
ReplyDeleteShe is totally-super-gorgeous! And very BRAVE to pose for this photo!
ReplyDeleteI know, she is incredibly brave AND gorgeous. You know, I was going to do the posing and have her take the photos, but the rules state that I have to be the one taking the photos, so she was nice enough to pose for me instead. ;)
ReplyDeleteThat is a beautiful shot of a gorgeous young lady. I love her expression, and would liked for someone to have taken your photo while you shot this one. I bet your expression says a lot as well. IF she doesn't have several boyfriends, she will now.
ReplyDeleteAnother great photo and very tastefully done. You have a beautiful sister, Ziva, and she must have a great sense of humour, too! (You can see it in her face).
She's amazing! And lucky for you for those RULES!
ReplyDeleteShe is stunning and one helluva good sport. Lovely photo, Ziva.
ReplyDelete(Is that Curious George taking a peek over in the corner?)
So, so pretty.
ReplyDeleteI spend a lot of time and energy to have skin like that and don't even get close.
Y'all must be really close to get such a gorgeous shot.
I know, I couldn't believe my luck. ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks, LM, it was a great one to shoot, we had a lot of fun that day. :)
ReplyDeleteShe must have a great sense of humour to put up with me and my crazy! ;)
ReplyDeleteHah, that thing in the corner is one of her many, many penguins. If you look closely you'll notice that her earrings are penguins, too. ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah, I don't know how she does it, she doesn't even have to work for it..
ReplyDeleteWe really are close, it's a shame she's moved to a city a couple hours from me, so we don't see each other as often anymore.
Simply gorgeous! That skin! That hair! The part that amazes me is having two goddesses in one family. Such a beautiful and intimate and loving photo. You obviously adore her and the photo shows more about you than about your lovely sis.
ReplyDeletePhew! My faith in Curious George has been restored. Penguins are naturally curious so I'm not worried for your sister.
ReplyDeleteOh Linda, she is the goddess in this family, for sure. I pale next to her beauty. But I am very glad that the photo shows how close we are. :)
ReplyDeleteI respectfully disagree. You are both radiantly beautiful.
ReplyDeleteDamn rules.
ReplyDeleteWhat can I say, Mike, some of us actually follow the rules. ;)
ReplyDeleteThis is a lovely, sensual photo, Ziva. The lighting and skin tones are flawless, and while your sister is obviously posing, she doesn't look fake, which is hard to achieve. I also like that it's black and white, and that your sister's earrings seem to match the bedsheets. I don't know whether that was deliberate, but it's a small detail that makes the photo even more special.
ReplyDeleteThe photo wouldn't be out of place at all in a high-fashion magazine like Vogue or Cosmopolitan. In fact, my mind automatically places the Chanel No. 5 logo in the upper right-hand corner.
It's that good, in my opinion.
Bryan's been hiding in the closet for years. We've all been waiting for him to come out.
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of stating the obvious, this is a great photo with excellent composition, and a beautiful subject.
ReplyDeleteNow about the penguins: As a Linux user, I approve.
God, I'm such a geek. I cannot believe I brought up Linux at a time like this. But I did, and I'm not taking it back.
Mike. Perfect comment. Sums it up in beautifully.
ReplyDeleteWow! This should teach me to comment early. When a photo is this good, everybody has talked about all the good aspects of the photo. So I guess I just repeat the obvious. Your sister is gorgeous and I love the informality of the photo. She could have been sharing a special moment with her lover or best girlfriend or even her sister who obviously adores her! Her skin is amazing. That is one of the things I have disliked about aging...I miss the sensuous skin. I know your sister will love this photo and I hope it becomes an heirloom for future generations to speculate the circumstances of this beautiful woman.
ReplyDeleteSizzle. Sizzle. That is just lovely.
ReplyDeleteDoes she have a sister?
Oh, wait. I'm married. Silly me.
Sublime and I love the nonchalant attitude that is oozed, nonchalantly of course, in its black and white sophisticatically defined world. It is really perfect. But is that a monkey in the background, and what is his name?
ReplyDeleteRegardless of the monkey that might not be, this is a stunning photo.
Thank you, Linda, for saying that. :) And you know, it takes one to know one. ;)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Michael. I don't really know what else to say, except I agree with Middlechild, this is the perfect comment. I'm sure my sister is going to be extremely happy to know you think she's classy enough to promote Chanel No. 5. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm really, really glad you liked it. :)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I love Tux, and I love that you can look at a photo of a nude girl and think about Linux. Did you know Linus Torvalds is Finnish? ;)
ReplyDeleteVery pretty and very confident! The monkey in the background is kinda creepy.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I didn't think about that. I might have to have it printed and framed for her. :) Thank you, Malisa, I'm really glad you liked the photo, even though you weren't the first to like it. ;)
ReplyDeleteHah, yes! She does happen to have a sister... However, said sister is getting married, too..
ReplyDeleteWell, as long as it's not "are you done already?"
ReplyDeleteI love the nonchalant attitude that is oozed, nonchalantly of course, in your comment's grey and white sophistically defined world. Or something. Are you by any chance drunk?
ReplyDeleteThe monkey is a penguin and the penguin does have a name that escapes me right now. Might be Marvin. Or Melvin. Or Ezekiel. But whatshisface was a very good penguin on the day of the photo shoot, and I am very happy that you are pleased with the result.
The creepy monkey is a very innocent penguin. Glad you liked the photo, though. ;)
ReplyDeleteI sure hope "are you done already?" is not something you hear a lot, dufus.
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, gorgeous photo and she is indeed BEAUTIFUL. Secondly, the tag "I'll get so many hits..." is AWESOME! How gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteHey, maybe you could take nude pictures of all of us so that future generations of our family will be able to remember us for the gorgeous women we once were. That'd be a cool bonding experience.
ReplyDeleteUm, ah, me? No, never, Ziva. Just at supper time.
ReplyDeleteHah, thanks for noticing that one. ;) Glad you liked it!
ReplyDeleteOk, so I'm not allowed to make rude or inappropriate comments, but I am allowed to think rude or inappropriate thoughts, right? ;-)
ReplyDeleteShe's beautiful, Lemmikki. A Lemmikkisi, one might say. And one day she will grow up to be as heartbreakingly stunning as her big sister.
I KNEW you were really a woman.
ReplyDeleteGood man.
ReplyDeleteAwww.. When you say such nice things to me, you're allowed to think however rude or inappropriate thoughts you want.
ReplyDeleteReally? My monkey phobia has gone too far this time. Glad to hear it's a penguin.
-----Original message-----
She kind of reminds me of actress Keri Russell. She's really beautiful.
ReplyDeleteI DID know that, and then I forgot for some reason. The penguins make so much more sense now.
ReplyDeleteHah, whenever I think of Keri Russell, I think of her big Felicity-hair, but now that you mention it, maybe there is a slight resemblance..
ReplyDeleteThis is cool! And so
ReplyDeleteinterested! Are u have more posts like this? Please tell me, thanks.Will be
visit again on your website.