
Sunday, April 15, 2012

30 Days of Photographs II: Wood

Oddly enough, I was struggling with today's theme. You'd think this might be the easiest of them all. I mean, everything is made of wood, right? I took a photo of an old wooden chair with flaking paint, but didn't like it. Then I took a photo of the hardwood floor at my sister's place. Didn't like that one either. Next, I took a photo of an old treadle sewing machine, the kind with the wooden table, you know the kind. I didn't like that one either. And so, I'm going with wood in its most basic form.

This post is a part of the 30 Days of Photographs II challenge. Please visit the rest of the participants for more fantastic photos: MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Mariann, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen and Katherine. *


  1. Gorgeous. A tad scary too, I suspect there are bears in there, not to mention goblins, trolls and woodpeckers.

  2. Sounds like my dilemma - I ran thru a few things before I settled on the one I did.

  3. Yeti -  Yep.  I see him.

  4. What did your sister say when you told her you didn't like her wooden floor? Your picture invokes a cold, ominous feeling. Brrrr.

  5. I went through the same process with this one. I love wood in all its forms. This looks like a wasteland. If that's snow, that would explain why this is looks so joyless to these snow-hating eyes.

  6. That's what I went with: the hardwood floor, but I like yours much better. And it would seem to capture Finland so well.

  7. The picture is really just lovely - I like how you kept the trees in the lower half only. I bet there are oodles of kitties and beavers in those woods.

  8. Beautiful! But it also looks cold! :)

  9. Ominous yet beautiful and inviting at the same time. 

  10.  I like it. Your woods look alot like ours, and...does the snow ever melt in Finland?

  11. Yeah, I know, our woods can be a bit scary.. And there are lots of bears and wolves and goblins and other sinister creatures. However, they all run scared when the undisputed king of the forest comes along, the scariest of them all, the undead beaver.

  12. It seems like too many ideas is just as bad as no ideas at all. ;)

  13. To the left in the photo, right? Yeah, I see him, too.

  14. Um, I didn't tell her.. Should I have?

    And would it be strange to say that I like that cold and ominous feeling?

  15. Oh yes, it's definitely snow. ;) It's not exactly a wasteland, though, it's old forest and new forest, all in the same photo.

  16. Oh, look!  You can just see the forest through the trees.

    (Yeah, yeah.  I'll leave the puns and bad analogies to dufus.)

    Nice, desolate shot, though.


  17. It does capture Finland, at least my part of Finland, which is really nothing but a big old forest. They'll cut it down, and new one grows in its stead. And so the cycle goes, year after year.

  18. Thanks, I'm glad you liked the photo! But I'm pretty sure the beavers have eaten all the kitties..

  19. Yes, that's exactly what I think!

  20. Of course it doesn't melt, what do think this is, the tropics??  ;)

    I think Canada and Finland generally look a lot alike.. Which is why I think I'd like Canada a lot.

  21. Thanks. :) Finland really can look pretty desolate.. But at least none of the trees in the shot had monster roots that were coming up out of the ground. ;)

  22. I'm glad you chose this one. Very pretty!

  23. Thank you Meleah! It's not as pretty as your photo, but it's very "Finland." ;)

  24. You would like this part of the US, too, as this picture looks so much like the UP of Michigan.  I guess that's why we have the largest concentration of people with Finnish heritage in the world (outside of Finland)--it just felt so much like home to the immigrants.  Nice picture, again.

  25. I'll bet this looks stunning in color. That snow is . . . well, SNOW.

  26. mikewjattoomanymorningsApril 16, 2012 at 1:55 AM

    Beautiful picture, Ziva. I love the gradation that the various types of trees afford it.

  27. Perfect photo! Seriously... i love it. And I love it in black and white. 

  28. I want to go hiking in there to see what I can see!  

  29. Thank you, I'm glad you liked it. I think you're right, I'd probably feel right at home in the Upper Peninsula. :)

  30. Thank you, Kristen, I'm so glad you liked it! :)

  31. You're very welcome to come over, I'll show you wonderful woods to hike in. :)

  32. Actually, the color version was rather boring. ;)

  33. I want to go hiking in there to see what I can see!  



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