This post is a part of the 30 Days of Photographs II challenge. Please visit the rest of the participants for more fantastic photos: MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Mariann, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen and Katherine. *

This, dearest Ziva, is why I love birds. Even pigeons are beautiful when captured this fantabulously.
ReplyDeleteA nice contrast to Cheryl's photo of one bird to many birds here. Nice(can I say that again)ly done. :)
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't want to park under those guys. Very nice pic, Ziva.
ReplyDeleteMe neither, dufus, me neither.. I was even a bit apprehensive about pointing the camera skywards.
ReplyDeleteWhat a nice comment! ;) I'm glad you liked it.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Cheryl! This is high praise coming from the queen of bird photography. ;)
ReplyDeleteDon't look up! Don't look up! Ohhh, never mind. Tell the truth. Did you have to clean your lens afterwards? Very nice photo. The color of the sky is striking. Have you noticed that the birds at the bottom of the photo are almost making a peace sign. Lovely.
ReplyDeleteWere you wearing your bullseye beanie? Because if you were, that was an extremely dangerous move indeed.
ReplyDeleteIt's terrific because of the sheer number of birds and I'm jealous of that blue sky. What did you do, let off a fire-cracker while poised with your camera?
That is an awesome shot! I like that I can almost play connect-the-dots with all of them.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be queen of something so I'll take it. My older sister is pretty much queen of everything else. ;-)
ReplyDeleteIt's really cool how the sky turned a little darker in every corner of this photograph just as 900 birds were flying through the lighter middle area, and your timing was impeccable. This is a very nice photograph of birds doing something I'll never understand, and that's flying together. How, and why, do they coordinate that? I love the under-wing lighting, too.
ReplyDeleteThat is a magical photo. It captivates me. It's like you caught a rare glimpse into something greater than a flock of birds in flight. It has such a powerful message about life. I adore this.
ReplyDeleteLove the blues and whites in this one. Check out that one dude in the upper right. He's going the wrong way. What a rebel.
ReplyDeleteP.S. -- Nevertheless, this photo frightens me. Obviously, this pack of birds -- and bird gang, if you will -- was headed to the riverside to start pecking people's eyes out en masse. Because that's what birds do. They peck your eyes out.
ReplyDeleteFire-crackers are handy when it comes to preventing birds from pecking your eyes out. Because that's what birds do. They peck your eyes out.
ReplyDeleteThat blue sky is awesome. And that flock of birds makes me wish I had wings of my own!
ReplyDeleteNot when they're scared by fire-crackers, which is a valid point. Of course, fire-crackers are dangerous, you don't want to burn your eyes out.
ReplyDeleteSince today's theme is "bird" I'm checking each of my regular reading blogs to see if there's a photo of Charlie Parker. No luck yet.
ReplyDeleteHang on, why would you put the fire-crackers in your eyes? You two confuse me.
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm the older sister and I've never been the queen of anything. ;)
ReplyDeleteHah, luckily my lense made it through unsoiled, but now I can't stop seeing that freaking peace sign.
ReplyDeleteIf you connect the right birds, you get a picture of a piece of toast.
ReplyDeleteHere I thought you were an expert on how birds fly together, didn't you write about this at some point? I only posted this photo because I knew you'd be able to explain it. Man, do I feel silly now.
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks Linda. I'm really glad you see something more than just a flock of birds in the photo. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm going to call him Mike.
ReplyDeleteBut where would you fly?
ReplyDeleteHah! Sorry, no Charlie here. Maybe next time.
ReplyDeleteAre you the oldest in the whole family? My sister is (she's 15 months older than I am). When she was younger, she behaved as though she was an only child with 5 little rugrats living in her house to annoy her. Once she matured, she crowned herself Queen. Family is funny.
ReplyDeleteUm, really nice picture of the sky, Lemmikki. It's too bad all those bats got in the way. :-)
ReplyDeleteYeah, shit happens, you know.
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm the oldest. My sister is about 17 months younger than me, and while we fought incredibly growing up, we're best friends now. And no one crowned themselves Queen, although it does sound like a pretty good idea... ;)
ReplyDeleteI'd actually forgotten that myself. You're paying more attention to what I write than I do.
ReplyDeleteBetter to blow your eyes up than let the birds peck them out. It's like the battle of Masada, but with pyrotechnics.
ReplyDeleteSee, this is the type of photo I was looking for - nice, simple, beautiful sky and lots of birds. But, nooooo. Our yard is full of birds, squawking all day long and I couldn't get a half decent shot of any of them.
To your wedding, of course!
ReplyDeleteBut you got an amazing photo of a bird, I don't understand why you're complaining. ;)
ReplyDeleteHaha, of course!
ReplyDeleteI do. Aren't you happy you have such a dedicated fan?
ReplyDeleteI love the colors and the way the light kind of reflects off the bottom of the birds. Great shot Ziva!
ReplyDeleteThank you, I'm glad you liked it. :)