
Saturday, April 28, 2012

30 Days of Photographs II: Outlier

This post is a part of the 30 Days of Photographs II challenge. Please visit the rest of the participants for more fantastic photos: MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Mariann, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen and Katherine. *


  1. If I understand correctly the outlier in your photos would be the photographer. How'd I do?

  2. Great interpretation and beautiful setting. This is one of my favorite photos you've taken. It's so well composed and the colors and mood are really fun.

    (My only issue with this one is the way it's spelled. It just looks so wrong.)

  3. You did amazing. Although, one might argue that the guy on the left also is an outlier, what with standing up and ruining her photo. ;)

  4. I was so lucky with this one, I was out taking photos of the church when this group appeared and gave me the perfect opportunity. I'm glad you liked it. :)

  5. Ah, many different interpretations. That's what makes a great is this, despite the crappy theme (thanks again, Michael ;)).

  6. I really like this photo.  I love the striking differences between the wall and the stairs.  Besides the photographer in the shot, your vantage point of those people could also suggest that you are the outlier.

  7. Now I'm seeing outliers everywhere I look. It could be the photographer, or the dude on the left. Or could that patched up part of the wall that doesn't have stone.

  8. I really like this shot. I think that the group is really looking at you and not their friend photographer. You must have been looking very intriguing.

  9. Y'all are good at stalking.

    Very cool shot. I don't like going to church, but I love being around them. 

  10. "There is no luck in good photography." MJW

  11. Of course they were looking at Ziva. Their eyes are begging her to take a group shot including the poor schlub who was the photographer. 

  12. Me too! Even the stairs!! And the green shirt. And the red scarf. And the purple pants. And I need to go take my medication now.

    Really cool shot, Ziva!

  13. Cool photo.  Sucky theme.  Don't let MWJ do this to us again! 

  14. Yeah. MWJ also came up with "toothbrush" and "outlier" ;)

  15. Thanks, Bryan, glad you liked it, desite the crappy theme. ;)

  16. I'm always the outlier, standing behind the camera instead of among the rest. I like it that way. ;) I'm glad you liked the photo. :)

  17. Oh wow, you're like, so good at this. Have you considered becoming a professional outlier-spotter?

  18. Thanks, Nicky! Now please tell me you took your meds?

  19. Well, I was indeed wearing my clown costume, so maybe you're right...

  20. Haha, after I was done stalking them, I was going to go offer to take their photo, but they left before I could say anything.

  21. I know, I've had plenty of practice with stalking. Churches are especially good places for stalking, the people who go to church rarely see it coming.

  22. I'll try not to! But I did give you "nude," you have to give me some credit for that, right? ;)

  23. Um. I forgot what point I was trying to make.

  24. That MJW is usually wrong or not always right or you believe in luck or you ARE the outlier?

  25. Clever idea and a really cool photo, although the guy on the left does look like a bit of a dweeb...

    This reminded me for some reason of the infinite cat project. I think mainly because you have cats and the photographing of a photo is ever-so-slightly brain-frying.

  26. Yes! All of the above. You are so smart.

  27. Thanks, Mo, now all I can think about is that somewhere, somehow, there's a photo of me, taking a photo of her, taking a photo of them. Frankly, I don't know how to feel about that. I'm going to go hug my cats now.

  28. I never thought it would be an outlier.  It's the photographer.  Someone has to take the photo.  So...if one person is taking another person's picture...which one is the outlier?  Are they both??

    Dammit...this word is going to haunt me for the REST OF MY LIFE!  Good thing we all die 21 Dec 12 - because it gets it over faster.

  29. "I'm pretty sure Michael made this one up,
    outlier doesn't sound like a real word"  UM YEAH! I totally agree with you! 

  30. mikewjattoomanymorningsApril 28, 2012 at 11:27 PM

    *Gets up out of his chair and slowly backs out of the room trying not to make any noise or attract the slightest attention*

  31. mikewjattoomanymorningsApril 28, 2012 at 11:28 PM

    Was somebody talking about me?

  32. mikewjattoomanymorningsApril 28, 2012 at 11:29 PM

    Once again, I'd like to point out that it was one of the two best themes ever, rivalling Toothbrush.

  33. mikewjattoomanymorningsApril 28, 2012 at 11:42 PM

    This photo, which is National Geographic quality as far as I'm concerned, is filled with Outliers. Outliers being statistical data or phenomena that are outside the norm. If you're looking at people as the focus, then Ziva is the most obvious Outlier because she's so far outside the frame you can't even see her (more's the pity). The photographer we can see is also an Outlier because while she's part of the group, she's standing separate from the group. Then there's the dork who wants to be a part of the normal group but feels compelled to stand out in some small way.

    But there are lots of other Outliers here. The bright green band accenting the photographer's read end falls outside the norm because it's so bright. Arguably, so does the red scarf, the patched portion of the wall, and those stones in the steps that are so much larger than the average-sized stones.

    But it's the church itself that stands out to me. Assuming this photo was taken in Finland, a country in which it's estimated that only 4 percent of the population regularly attends church, it is the biggest Outlier of all, a data point that falls way down on the flat part of the curve to the far left.

    Once again, Ziva, you've taken a near-perfect photo. In this non-competition, you are also proving to be an Outlier. But I still think my Toothbrush photo was pretty awesome.

  34. mikewjattoomanymorningsApril 28, 2012 at 11:44 PM

    It's a real word, and I never make things up.

  35. mikewjattoomanymorningsApril 28, 2012 at 11:45 PM

    I've done nothing to you that you didn't want me to do, a fact that I'll keep in mind in case it ever becomes useful.

  36. Liar. You're a writer, making things up is exactly what you do.

  37. At this point, I'm pretty sure everything is an outlier. It's just easier that way. ;)

  38. National Geographic quality?

    You're crazy.

    I don't suppose you'd believe me if I told you I was lucky?

    You're really good at finding outliers...

    Your toothbrush photo really was pretty awesome.

    Thank you, Michael, your comment made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. In a good way, not a mouldy peach kind of a way. I'm really glad you think my photos don't suck, it means a lot to me. Of course I know I can't compete with your photographic talent, but maybe one day I'll give you a run for your money. ;)

  39. Truth is - we have two. One I made for my husband who actually went to a clown class before we had kids. The other I made for my son when he was 2 or 3. We are weird...

  40. Sure, I try and I try with my crappy camera and my silly stories and my over-abuse of the 250 world limit - but do I get told mine are National Geographic quality??  No.


    ...not even National Lampoon quality.

    Pardon me -- I have to go find a tissue and a beam of light - maybe some three-year-old kid with a throwaway Instamatic passing by can impress you with his photographic abilities better than...sniff sniff...I...sniff sniff sniff...can.

  41. It's not a run I'll be wanting for my money, honey. ;)

    And don't feel bad, Mariann. Ziva's putting us all to shame, as far as I'm concerned. Maybe not every day, but overall.

  42. You dare to insult me by calling me a writer! Why not a murderer, then, or a whore!

    But if I ever wrote, and I'm not saying I did, then every one of them words rang true, and glowed like burning coal...

  43. I love this photo.  It make me think of vacationing in Finland!

  44. Let me know when you're coming, I'll meet you at the airport!

  45. I'll call you writer whenever I want. I'll even call you, wait for it... Poet! How do you like them apples?

  46. Don't cry, Mariann, it's not like Michael actually knows anything about photography anyway. ;)

  47. I really don't know how to feel about this.

  48. I was going to say all of this but then I saw Mike beat me to it.  Ok just kidding, but I too was struck by the metaphor of the church.  It can often be a dividing line between people. 

  49. Oh, that is true, I never even thought about that..



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