This is my friend Zelma. What she is holding in her hands is the Devil’s tool. A camera. And not only does it represent the past 30 Days of Hell, but it’s also pointed at me. I love cameras, I love taking photos and look at gorgeous shots other people took, but point that thing at me, and I will run screaming. I cannot stand photos of myself, and as soon as I see a camera pointed my way, I somehow transform into the lovechild of the Hunchback of Notre Dame and the Hulk. But uglier. Also, I'm pretty sure that, much like the Devil, the camera will suck out your soul if you let it come too close.
This post is a part of the 30 Days of Photographs II challenge. Please visit the rest of the participants for more fantastic photos: MikeWJ, Nicky and Mike, Mo, Meleah, John, aka nonamedufus, Bryan, aka Unfinished Person, Mariann, Malisa, Nora, LaughingMom, Tanya, Elizabeth A., 00dozo, Cheryl, Kristen and Katherine.
I would like to thank all the wonderful bloggers who participated in 30 Days of Photographs II, and made it such a huge success. It’s been a true pleasure to view the photos every day, the level of creativity and talent has been astonishing. I’ve made a lot of new friends during these 30 days, and also, completely lost my mind. Holy crap, that was a real challenge, wasn’t it? But while I’m extremely happy about finally having some free time again, I still feel a little sad about the challenge coming to an end, so Michael and I were thinking, why not expand it, just a little bit?
We know you’ve all taken tons of photos, desperate to make them work for the themes, and if you’re anything like Michael and I, you will have about a million of them that you never got to use since you were following the rules like a good blogger and only posting one photo a day. So we’d like to invite you all to take a final look through all the photos you took, and, if you like, post a few of your favorite outtakes and rejects tomorrow to give them the attention they deserve.
Michael and I are also going to be looking at all of the photos -- yes, all 500-something of them -- and choosing our favorite by each blogger. We will post our favorites soon, and if any of you would like to do the same, we would be thrilled.
Once again, thank you for playing, thank you for being amazing, and thank you for the many, many laughs. Oh, and for telling Michael that I won. *