
Monday, September 30, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Happily Ever After

Day 30. It's the last day of 30 Days of Photographs IV, lovingly called Bob. I have mixed feelings about the end of this challenge. On the one hand, I am relieved and happy that it's finally over, I might actually have time to prepare for my upcoming move now. And on the other hand. I am relieved and happy that it's finally over, I might actually have a life outside of posting photos and looking at photos and commenting on photos again.

Oh, it seems my feelings aren't very mixed at all.

MikeWJ and I would like to thank you all for participating in our challenge. You've impressed us with your creative bitching and whining, not to mention your photos. A month ago I had no idea I would know so much about bathroom remodeling, or that I would see cheese do such amazing things. I hope you'll join us for 30 Days of Photographs V, which will start tomorrow.

Kidding! Jeez, no need to throw rotten fruit at me.

At some point or other, there will be a 30 Days of Photographs V, though, and when that happens,  I hope to see you all there. Thank you once again for joining Mike and myself on this journey to nowhere, and sharing a few laughs with us. We've had a great time hanging out with you this past month.

Check back here in a few days to see if MikeWJ and I made good on our promise to pick our favorite photos of the challenge. Now, link up one last time, and go visit the rest of the goofballs.

Day 30: Happily Ever After

Think Nirvana. Think Paradise. Think Shangri-la.

Think Fields of Elysium.

Add your link for Day 30 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
3. ReformingGeek  
4. Cheryl  
5. CheesyMike  
6. Katherine  
7. dufus is done  
8. Agent 54  
9. Janine  
10. Nora  
11. P.J.  
12. Happy Star  
13. Tami VZ  
14. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
15. Babs, late visiting.  
16. Shawn  
17. Lauren  
18. Jay, Depp Effect  
19. dufus just can't say goodbye  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Sunday, September 29, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Circle

Today is Day 29 of 30 Days of Photographs IV. I'll be sad when it's over, but for now, I'm happy there's only one day left, and I'm sure my co-host, MikeWJ, feels the same. I love doing these challenges, but they tend to take over my life a little bit. Or a lot. Anyway, link up, and go check out the other participants, then come back tomorrow for our Happily Ever After.

Day 29: Circle

I have a complicated relationship to sleep. I love sleeping, when I sleep well.

But I rarely sleep well.

I toss and turn and lie awake at night and early in the morning. And I dream. I dream of fire and war and mayhem. I dream of being chased, of unknown threats, and of dismemberment. I dream of confusing and unsettling situations where I'm stuck and scrambling to make sense of my surroundings.

I don't know why I have these nightmares, but I do. Maybe what I need is one of these. A dreamcatcher to capture my bad dreams and only let good dreams pass through the net and slide down the feathers to me.

Add your link for Day 29 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Shawn  
3. Babs  
4. Boom Boom has gone missing @Bob's #teamlame  
5. Southern Katherine  
6. Nora  
7. Cheryl  
8. ReformingGeek  
9. diameter dufus  
10. Jay, Depp Effect  
11. Agent 54  
12. Star Circles  
13. Lauren  
14. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
15. CheesyMike  
16. Janine  
17. Tami VZ  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Saturday, September 28, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Lover

Day 28 of 30 Days of Naughtiness. I'm hoping to see some really nice photos today, people. Link up and make me blush.

Day 28: Lover

Add your link for Day 28 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Shawn  
3. Katherine  
4. dufus has this locked up  
5. ReformingGeek  
6. Agent 54  
7. Babs  
8. Jay, Depp Effect  
9. Nora Blithe  
10. Tami VZ  
11. meleah rebeccah #teamlame & rule breaker  
12. CheesyMike  
13. Lauren  
14. Cheryl  
15. Janine  
16. Star Traci  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Friday, September 27, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: NSEW

It's Day 27 of our brilliant challenge, and I'm feeling a little lost. I wish someone would give me some directions. I know I can't ask my co-host MikeWJ, though, because his sense of direction is so lousy that when M and I visited him in Colorado, he actually asked M to navigate.

Link up and see if you can find your way to the rest of the participants.

Day 27: NSEW

M and I like to travel. We've seen some pretty great places and have some pretty amazing memories of said places. We don't like to buy a lot o souvenirs when we travel, though, because you just end up with a shitload of stuff and nowhere to put it. Instead, we've started to collect magnets from each place we visit. Extra points if you can identify all of the places we've been to according to our fridge.

Add your link for Day 27 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Katherine  
3. Cheryl  
4. Lauren  
5. directionless dufus  
6. Babs  
7. Agent 54  
8. ReformingGeek  
9. Star Directions  
10. Nora Blithe  
11. Jay, Depp Effect  
12. Tami VZ  
13. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
14. Nicky  
15. CheesyMike  
16. Shawn  
17. Janine  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Thursday, September 26, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Rising

It's almost over now, my friends, only a few more days to go and then we can drive a stake through Bob's heart, cut off his head, set fire to his body, and scatter his ashes over three separate bodies of water.

Link up, and try to smile while you're commenting on the other photos.

Day 26: Rising

This little fellow was really cranky when I wouldn't feed him. In fact, in this photo he's already thinking about taking off into the air and trying to use me and my camera for target practice.

Add your link for Day 26 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Lauren  
3. dufus  
4. Have coffee with me....  
5. ReformingGeek  
6. Cheryl  
7. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
8. Agent 54  
9. Babs  
10. Nicky  
11. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
12. Rising Star Traci  
13. Nora Blithe  
14. Oh beehave Tami VZ  
15. Shawn  
16. Jay, Depp Effect  
17. CheesyMike  
18. Janine  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Poison

Welcome to Day 25 of Bob. Mind the rat poison I put out. Or don't. One less photo to worry about.

Link up at the bottom of the page. Or don't. MikeWJ doesn't care.

Day 25: Poison

Because I just have so much extra time on my hands with work, and moving, and taking photos for the challenge, and looking at twenty photos every day, and leaving comments on twenty photos every day, I decided that I needed to bake cookies to pass the time.

Double chocolate chip cookies. A little slice of heaven in my hell.

But something's wrong... The evil cat is out to get my cookies. Little does he know that it's a trap, because chocolate, while the food of the gods, is horribly poisonous to cats.

Add your link for Day 25 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Katherine  
3. Cheryl  
4. dieting dufus  
5. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
6. Agent 54  
7. Nora Blithe  
8. Babs  
9. Jay, Depp Effect  
10. Tami VZ  
11. ReformingGeek  
12. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
13. Malisa  
14. CheesyMike  
15. Shawn  
16. Nicky  
17. Janine  
18. Lauren -I shall return!  
19. Skin of Her Teeth Traci  

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Carnival

Welcome to the Carnival! It's Day 24 of 30 Days of Fun, and I just know we're all loving this roller coaster of doom. Link up, grab some lemonade, and go share a funnel cake with the rest of the participants.

Day 24: Carnival

So there I was at the carnival, happily taking photos of the pretty lights and the fun rides, when out of the blue, this shady clown decided to photobomb my shot. Thanks a lot, MikeWJ!

Add your link for Day 24 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Cheryl  
3. Babs  
4. Jay, Depp Effect  
5. ReformingGeek  
6. Nora Blithe  
7. meleah rebeccah #teamlame - WORST EVER  
8. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
9. Katherine  
10. Agent 54  
11. devious dufus  
12. P.J.  
13. Bullshit Artist Malisa  
14. Star Traci  
15. CheesyMike  
16. Shawn  
17. Carnival cartoon by Tami VZ  
18. Janine  
19. Lauren-Be back later-Getting dogged  

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Monday, September 23, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Tolstoy

Day 23. Tolstoy. Needless to say, it was MikeWJ's idea.

Day 23: Tolstoy

I don't particularly care for Russia. There's nothing wrong with Russians, they're nice people, if a bit brusque at times, and I admire their ability to drink vodka and chase it with more vodka all night long. But I don't particularly care for the way the Soviet Union first owned Finland for the better part of the 19th century, then tried to take over again during WWII, and when that didn't work, instead forced Finland into armed conflict with Nazi Germany.

It leaves a mark, history.

So instead I'm posting a photo of something that's not only relevant, but also close to my heart.

A cat.

I know what you're thinking. A cat? Really??



Plus, I know I can't outdo MikeWJ today, so I'm not even going to try. 

"Sonya was a slender little brunette with a tender look in her eyes which 
were veiled by long lashes, thick black plaits coiling twice round her head, 
and a tawny tint in her complexion and especially in the color of her slender 
but graceful and muscular arms and neck. By the grace of her movements, 
by the softness and flexibility of her small limbs, and by a certain coyness and 
reserve of manner, she reminded one of a pretty, half-grown kitten which 
promises to become a beautiful little cat."

Leo Tolstoy
War and Peace, Book One, Chapter VII

Add your link for Day 23 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Cheryl  
3. ReformingGeek  
4. tall story dufus  
5. Babs  
6. Katherine NEVER cheats  
7. Nora  
8. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
9. Agent 54  
10. Lauren-I made it to day...What day is this?  
11. Tami VZ Tolstoying around  
12. CheesyMike  
13. Literal Malisa  
14. Shawn  
15. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
16. Nicky  
17. Jay, Depp Effect  
18. Janine  
19. Star Traci  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Sunday, September 22, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Frustration

It's Day 22 of 30 Years of Frustration, and I feel like we're really starting to have fun with it now. Aren't you happy you joined? Link up and try to smile while visiting the other participants.

Day 22: Frustration

M and I have been experiencing weird internet activity the past few weeks. Without warning, our wifi becomes sluggish and lazy. It keeps cutting out, and then coming back on. And it's strange, because if the power is out and the internet is broken,  you just sigh and put away your computer. You know it's not going to work no matter what you do. So you grab a book and read it by the candle light. You talk to your husband or wife, you take a moment to reflect on your life and your achievements.

All is well.

 But when the internet should work perfectly, but it doesn't, it's the most frustrating thing ever! 

Add your link for Day 22 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Shawn  
3. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
4. Babs  
5. ReformingGeek  
6. disturbed dufus  
7. Star Traci  
8. Katherine  
9. P.J.  
10. Cheryl  
11. Nora Blithe  
12. Agent 54  
13. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
14. Nicky  
15. CheesyMike  
16. Lauren (I've got to get a life)  
17. Tami VZ (this is my life ...)  
18. Janine  
19. Jay, Depp Effect  
20. Manual Labor Malisa  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Saturday, September 21, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Anatomy

Day 21 of 30 Days of Agony. You know what to do.

Day 21: Anatomy

The sign said, "No Photography Allowed". 

I forced M to be on the look out while I grabbed my phone and tried to find the camera button on it. We were at the Body Worlds exhibition in Helsinki, surrounded by dead bodies, stripped of their skin and immortalized in plastic. It was dark and people were slowly walking around, talking in hushed tones.

Over by the huge display case filled with hearts in various stages of decay, I saw a member of the staff. M was doing his best impression of a shady crook, glancing over his shoulder suspiciously. I finally got the camera working and pretended to be reading a text while surreptitiously sneaking a photo. The woman from staff turned and M grabbed my arm, pulled me away, and said, "Quick, let's get out of here!", in a stage whisper loud enough to wake the dead guy I'd just taken a photo of.

Add your link for Day 21 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. SQUIRREL! Ummm KITTEN?! Dragon?  
3. epidermis dufus  
4. Shawn  
5. Cheryl - TeamKlutz  
6. Agent 54  
7. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
8. Babs  
9. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
10. Nora Blithe  
11. ReformingGeek  
12. Tami VZ  
13. CheesyMike  
14. Janine  
15. Jay, Depp Effect  
16. Lauren (it took me the whole friggin day)  
17. Malisa WTF  
18. Stressed Out Star  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Friday, September 20, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Transparent

Day 20 of Bob. Slowly but surely we're nearing the end, and MikeWJ and I feel like there has been an appalling lack of praising of the hosts in this challenge. What's the point of putting ourselves through this if we can't get anything out of it? I haven't received any gifts, apart from a few threatening letters and a dead skunk, and MikeWJ hasn't had any ladies' underwear thrown at his feet (or any other body part). None of you even paid the entry fee. We love your photos, but our love doesn't come for free, you know.

But luckily for you, I'm a benevolent host, unlike MikeWJ, who's totally the bad host in our little good host/bad host duo. Seriously, he never takes care of his own links, and he leaves snarky comments lying around for all the guests to see. But because I'm the epitome of all that is good, I'm going to allow you to participate in this challenge even without the entry fees and bribes. Chocolate will be plenty.

Link up, and send me the chocolate at my address; Ziva Moon, 666 Hell Drive, The Inferno.

Day 20: Transparent

Add your link for Day 20 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. dufus  
3. At Boom Boom's Request!  
4. Nora Blithe  
5. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
6. Agent 54  
7. ReformingGeek  
8. Cheryl - May not be safe for Malisa  
9. Babs  
10. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
11. P.J.  
12. Lauren (I can't help myself)  
13. CheesyMike  
14. Transparent Tami VZ  
15. Janine  
16. Jay, Depp Effect  
17. Late Malisa  
18. Transparent Traci  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Thursday, September 19, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Never

Welcome, fellow sufferers, to Day 19 of 30 Days of Photographs IV, the very best Bob on the internet. You know what to do.

Day 19: Never

After Always comes Never. Never, it's such a solitary and lonely word, isn't it? But never do I feel quite so at peace, quite so calm and content in being all alone in the early hours, as when a thick fog blankets the world on my way to work. People are rushing all around me, but in my car, it's only me and my thoughts, and outside, the fog that hides everything that's ugly.

Add your link for Day 19 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. dufus  
3. Shawn  
4. Katherine  
5. ReformingGeek  
6. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
7. Agent 54  
8. Cheryl  
9. Babs  
10. Nora Blithe  
11. Lauren (trying...lord knows I'm trying)  
12. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
13. Tami joined #teamlame  
14. CheesyMike  
15. Nicky  
16. Jay, Depp Effect  
17. Janine  
18. Malisa  
19. Never Never traci  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Always

My days have turned into a blur. Each evening I scramble for a photo to post the next day. I'm always one step behind, never quite caught up. It's Day 18, and I'm still thinking about Day 4. I blame my co-host, MikeWJ. Because he's a man and as such, can always be blamed.

Please add your link at the bottom of the page, and go check out the rest of the photos.

Day 18: Always

There were a few things I could've taken a photo of today. I always want chocolate, for example. I always love the rain. I've always wanted to stop the car at that one particular field on my drive to work and take a photo of it. The field, not the car.

But because I'm ultimately lazy and don't have nearly enough time for work and thinking about the new house and taking photos for this challenge, I went the easy route today. I am always reading a book. Or several. Right now, it's four. When I finish one I don't just move on to the next three, I start another one so I'm continuously working on four at once.

That's what she said.

Beat you to it, MikeWJ.

Add your link for Day 18 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Katherine  
3. dufus  
4. Jay, Depp Effect  
5. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
6. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
7. Agent 54  
8. Babs  
9. Nora Blithe  
10. Nicky  
11. Tami VZ  
12. Star Traci  
13. ReformingGeek  
14. CheesyMike  
15. Shawn  
16. Late Malisa  
17. Janine  
18. Lauren (falling behind)  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Tuesday, September 17, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: My Junk

Day 17 of 30 Days of Photographs IV is My Junk day, and the credit for this prompt goes entirely to MikeWJ. Entirely. I had nothing to do with it.

Link up, my friends, and show me your junk.

Day 17: My Junk

Having recently bought a house, I've been doing a lot of thinking about my junk. What should I get rid of, what should I keep, what can I sell, what can I bury out by the highway? So much junk, and so many questions. Because soon, all of my junk will have to move.

It's still full of someone else's junk, but by November, it'll be my junk in that kitchen.

I can't wait!

Add your link for Day 17 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Katherine's Junk  
3. Nora Blithe  
4. ReformingGeek  
5. Babs  
6. meleah rebeccah #teamlame & rule breaker  
7. Agent 54  
8. Jay, Depp Effect  
9. P.J.  
10. Nicky  
11. dustbin dufus  
12. Junkin Tami VZ  
13. CheesyMike  
14. Junk In My Trunk Malisa  
15. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
16. Janine  
17. Star Junk  
18. Lauren late in the day  
19. Shawn  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Monday, September 16, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Biblical

Day 16 of Bob. It's almost over now. Only a few more years to go...

Link up, visit, comment, repeat.

Day 16: Biblical

So, I had this apple. It was green and pretty and looked really delicious, but one of my cats, Yoda, told me I wasn't supposed to eat it. It wasn't meant for me. So I didn't eat it, and I didn't think about it. I left it alone.

But then my other cat, Darth Vader, made an appearance. One moment I was happily watching tv, and the next, he was there. His soft white paw nudged the apple closer. Look at it, he said, isn't it beautiful? Don't you want to take a bite out of it? An apple like this will be a real eye-opener, you know. Your world will never be the same again. And he looked at me with his beautiful blue eyes, and he held the apple out to me, whispered promises of knowledge of good and evil.

I took a bite out of it, and I knew. It was all so clear to me. It all made perfect sense.

And suddenly, I was really glad Biblical came after NSFW.

Add your link for Day 16 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Temptatious Nora  
3. Babs  
4. the church of dufus  
5. Janine  
6. ReformingGeek  
7. Good Catholic Girl  
8. Agent 54  
9. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
10. Star Sinner  
11. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
12. Fortune teller Tami VZ  
13. Cranky Lauren  
14. Jay, Depp Effect  
15. Repentant Malisa  
16. CheesyMike  
17. Shawn  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


Sunday, September 15, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: China

Welcome to the halfway point of 30 Days of Photographs IV. Only 15 more days to go. Sigh.

You know what to do.

Day 15: China

I had some ideas for this one, mostly revolving around the whole Made in China thing. I even thought it would make a great excuse to have Chinese for dinner. Or rather, to make M get me some Chinese for dinner. Sadly, M's been away on a trip this weekend, and I was way too lazy to order myself takeout.

Luckily, I remembered my copy of the Chinese masterpiece, Sun Tzu's The Art of War, and in it, I found the perfect quote to represent Bob, who just can't seem to die and stay dead.

Add your link for Day 15 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
3. Shawn  
4. Star Traci  
5. dufus  
6. Babs  
7. Tami VZ  
8. Katherine  
9. ReformingGeek  
10. Agent 54  
11. Lauren (I've had too much MSG)  
12. Jay, Depp Effect  
13. CheesyMike  
14. Fragile Malisa  
15. Nora Blithe  
16. Janine  
17. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  

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Saturday, September 14, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: NSFW

Day 14 or 30 Days IV is finally here. If you happen to be at work, you might want to close the browser and come back later. Preferably when there are no kids around, because today is Not Safe For Work Day. Link up, and try not to go blind while checking out the rest of the participants.

Day 14: NSFW

Add your link for Day 14 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Why didn't I do THAT pose in my selfie!?  
3. Babs  
4. not suitable for dufus  
5. Shawn  
6. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
7. ReformingGeek  
8. Unsafe Nora Blithe  
9. Nicky  
10. CheesyMike  
11. Agent 54  
12. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
13. Lauren (NSFW - WTF?)  
14. Undercover Malisa  
15. Janine  
16. Lest You Think I Was Scared Traci  

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Friday, September 13, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Wrong

Today is Friday the 13th, and Day 13 of the wonderful food and animal and DIY photo challenge called Bob. Link up, and try to avoid breaking any mirrors, stepping on any black cats, or walking under ladders.

Day 13: Wrong

I have nothing.

Seriously, nothing.

I thought this would be an easy prompt, but I've been so busy lately, I just haven't had time to think about any of the prompts and to come up with decent ideas. September was a bad month for the challenge. Both my co-host MikeWJ and I are in the process of moving. I bought a house yesterday, and Mike's been trying to sell his house while looking at new places. I've also been preparing to start a new job on Monday, which doesn't sound like a lot of work, but believe me, it's been crazy. M's been away on trip after trip, leaving me in charge of the cats and of feeding myself, and that just isn't right. So this was my breakfast today, which is most definitely wrong. 

My sincerest apologies for posting yet another food photo. I promise it won't happen again. My photo for tomorrow is going to be awesome. Well, perhaps not awesome, but definitely not food. I think.

Add your link for Day 13 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
3. Katherine: Feast Your Eyes!  
4. Babs  
5. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
6. Yeah I went there Nora  
7. Agent 54  
8. Nicky  
9. Jay, Depp Effect  
10. Lauren (call me crazy)  
11. CheesyMike  
12. Tami VZ  
13. ReformingGeek  
14. dufus is wrong?  
15. Cheryl  
16. Malisa  
17. Boom Boom even got the linky wrong!  
18. Janine  
19. Shawn  
20. Seriously Wrong Traci  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

As a little reminder, the list:

1. Ice Cream
2. Illuminate
3. Soft
4. Backwards
5. Mushroom
6. Two Birds, One Stone
7. Seven
8. Texture
9. Disguise
10. Close-up
11. Girly
12. Tremor
13. Wrong
14. NSFW
15. China
16. Biblical
17. My Junk
18. Always
19. Never
20. Transparent
21. Anatomy
22. Frustration
23. Tolstoy
24. Carnival
25. Poison
26. Rising
27. NSEW
28. Lover
29. Circle
30. Happily Ever After *

Thursday, September 12, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Tremor

Welcome to Day 12 of 30 Days of Photographs IV, and what a beautiful day it is. Link up at the bottom of the page, and go spread the love.

Day 12: Tremor

My forgetful co-host MikeWJ blamed me for this prompt. Thing is, it was all him. He thought we needed something huge, something monumental, something like a natural disaster. Earthquake, he thought, we should add Earthquake as a prompt. No, I said, there's no way we can have Earthquake on the list, because it's just not going to work. Well, maybe something similar, Mike mused. Like, vibrating, trembling, tremor.

And so, tremor it was.

Me, I had no ideas. Well, not no ideas. I thought about taking a night photo of some street lights with a shaky hand, painting the tremor into the image. And I thought about taking a photo of an old person's hands. Of course, the very moment this post is scheduled to publish, I will be at the bank, and my own hands will be trembling as I sign a very important paper.

But, I still need a photo... Pictured below is the calm sea, little drops of rain sending ripples, tremors, across the surface.

Add your link for Day 12 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Moon!  
3. Cheryl  
4. ReformingGeek  
5. Babs  
6. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
7. shakey dufus  
8. Agent 54  
9. Nicky  
10. Lauren-is the straitjacket adjustable?  
11. Nora Blithe  
12. Struggling Star Traci  
13. CheesyMike  
14. Trembling with rage Malisa  
15. shawn shake  
16. Tremoring Tami VZ  
17. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
18. Janine  

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Girly

It's Day 11 of 30 Days of Photographs IV. I have nothing good to say about that. Link up at the bottom of the page, and go check out the rest of the girly participants.

Day 11: Girly

Today's prompt had me stumped. I honestly have no idea why we chose this prompt at all. I don't particularly like girly stuff, and I think the only pink thing I own is the dress from my Disguise photo. I was bitching about this to my co-host MikeWJ, and he told me, "Come on, you have it easy! Just take a photo of your nails or your shoes or whatever."

So I'm taking a photo of my nails (sort of), and my shoes, and whatever.

Add your link for Day 11 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Nora Blithe  
3. girly man dufus  
4. Katherine  
5. Babs  
6. Nicky  
7. Agent 54  
8. Star Girl  
9. CheesyMike  
10. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
11. Girly girl Tami VZ  
12. Not so girly Cheryl  
13. ReformingGeek  
14. sShawn  
15. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
16. Pent-Up Malisa  
17. Lauren  
18. Janine  

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Close-up

If you're just now tuning in to 30 Days of Photographs IV, run!

The rest of you, link up at the bottom of the page, and when you stop by MikeWJ's blog, try to tell him his photo wouldn't have been any better even if he did have a macro lens.

Day 10: Close-up

Add your link for Day 10 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. close up the honkey tonks, dufus  
3. Cheryl  
4. Nora Blithe  
5. Star Traci  
6. meleah rebeccah #teamlame & rule breaker  
7. Shawn  
8. Nicky  
9. ReformingGeek  
10. Agent 54  
11. Babs  
12. P.J.  
13. CheesyMike  
14. Tami VZ  
15. Lauren (that's what the doctors tell me)  
16. Malisa  
17. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
18. Janine  
19. MikeWJ, I Hate To Tell You, But....  

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Monday, September 9, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Disguise

Welcome to Day 9 of 30 Days of Photographs IV. This is the day when you realize that you've been participating in this challenge for the past year and a half, but you're still not even a third of the way through. And you cry a little.

Link up, and go see if you can figure out the other participants' disguises.

Day 9: Disguise

Today, we're going to meet the hosts of this fabulous photo challenge. This is the fourth (that's what the little IV behind "30 Days of Photographs" stands for) time MikeWJ and I are hosting this wonderfully dysfunctional challenge. The first time it was just Mike and I, but people got jealous and demanded to participate, so we let them. Then they begged us to let them stop participating, but we were done being accommodating. Each year, the prompts get bigger and better, and the participants get whinier and lazier. Including Mike and I.

Now, meet MikeWJ. He's a handsome youngish man with hardly a bald spot to speak of. He enjoys very slow walks on the beach, writing short stories with ink and a feather quill, and talking politics - he doesn't entirely support King Henry VIII's plans to invade France, but he commends him on his success with the ladies. MikeWJ is half British, half American, and takes some truly awesome photos. 

MikeWJ - disguised as a real photographer.

Ziva Moon is Finnish and does not enjoy talking about herself.

Ziva - disguised as the Mona Lisa.

Add your link for Day 9 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
3. dufus in disguise  
4. Janine  
5. Babs  
6. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
7. ReformingGeek  
8. Nicky  
9. Lauren (I think)  
10. Nora Blithe  
11. Agent 54  
12. CheesyMike  
13. Meowlisa  
14. Tami VZ in guise  
15. Cheryl  
16. Katherine  
17. Very Silly Star Traci  
18. Shawn  

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Sunday, September 8, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Texture

Day 8 of Bob, and we're still going strong. Well, some of you are. The rest of us have taken up  drinking and resorted to posting photos of pies. Link up at the bottom of the page, and then meet me over at MikeWJ's. The first, second, and eight drinks are on him. 

Day 8: Texture

Add your link for Day 8 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Nora Blithe  
3. Shawn  
4. Katherine  
5. Babs  
6. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
7. wakey wakey dufus  
8. Lauren  
9. Cheryl  
10. Nicky  
11. Agent 54  
12. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
13. ReformingGeek  
14. Texturized Tami VZ  
15. Hungover Malisa  
16. Pretty Boring Traci  
17. Janine  
18. CheesyMike  

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Saturday, September 7, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Seven

Welcome, my friends. 30 Days of Photographs IV is on its seventh day, and has officially become the leading cause of total mental breakdowns in the Developed World. MikeWJ will from now on be blogging from his padded cell in the mental asylum. Be nice to him.

Link up at the bottom of the page, and make sure you link to today's post, not just your main page - we want to be able to find your photo even after the challenge is over.

Day 7: Seven

Add your link for Day 7 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Katherine  
3. Nicky  
4. Cheryl  
5. Nora Blithe  
6. Go ome dufus you're drunk  
7. Babs  
8. ReformingGeek  
9. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
10. Tami VZ - 7 and 7  
11. Agent 54  
12. Lauren  
13. There's a reason I'm on #teamlame  
14. Because just one linky thing a day isn't enough  
15. Innocent til proven guilty Malisa  
16. Janine  
17. BlearyEyedMike  
18. I'm starting to regret this Traci  
19. Shawn  

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Friday, September 6, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Two Birds, One Stone

It's almost been a week of this way more than a week long photo challenge. We're nowhere near finished, and MikeWJ and I can already feel you weaklings giving up. It makes us smile.

Add your link at the bottom of the page, and try to muster up the energy to look at the other photos and offer your condolences.

Day 6: Two Birds, One Stone

I regretted this the second I suggested it. But when MikeWJ and I get together to decide on the prompts, vasts amounts of alcohol and call girls are involved, and the rules state that once a prompt is suggested, you can't take it back. If it survives the grueling ridicule of whomever didn't make the suggestion, it's in. And frankly, we desperately needed a bird prompt to appease Cheryl.

I really hadn't thought it through, though. Two birds and a stone. Where am I supposed to find a stone willing to model with two birds?

I know. Impossible.

So I had to get creative. And I baked an apple pie because I know M was feeling stressed out, and probably needed some comfort food. And when I took it out of the oven, I realized it would make a good photo, too. You know, the pie that both made M feel a little better, and gave me something to photograph for my challenge. Totally killing two birds with one stone.

NOW can I join #teamlame?

Add your link for Day 6 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. Uh oh Cheryl didn't get mine. Am I stretching it?  
2. Nicky  
3. Babs  
4. Star traci  
5. Shawn  
6. Lauren  
7. Agent 54  
8. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
9. Nora Blithe  
10. Uncle MikeWJ  
11. Tami VZ  
12. Cheryl who sadly did not get the joke  
13. and dufus stoned me  
14. Recycling Malisa  
15. ReformingGeek  
16. Janine  
17. CheesyMike  

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Mushroom

Welcome to Day 5 of 30 Days of What The Fuck Were We Thinking. The linky thing can be found at the bottom, along with MikeWJ's dirty socks, and my sanity.

Day 5: Mushroom

This time of year, the forests of Finland are full of mushrooms. When my grandfather was still alive, he would spend hours in the woods, picking mushrooms for us. He never ate any himself, but I grew up loving them. My grandfather is gone now, and all his secret mushroom spots are forgotten. Still, it would've been very easy for me to go out into the woods and take a photo of a mushroom. But I assume we're going to be seeing a lot of mushroom photos today, so I decided to go another route.

This is a natural sea sponge from the Mediterranean, or, as we say in Swedish, a washing mushroom.


Pathetic, I know. I'm officially joining Team Lame. I just didn't have time to go out into the woods.

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Backwards

Welcome to Day 4 of Bob, kindly brought to you by yours truly and my very good friend, the wonderfully talented, and occasionally slightly grumpy, MikeWJ. If you're planning on participating in the challenge today, please reconsider.

If you're still here and still planning to participate, please link up at the bottom of the page, then check out the photos that the rest of our little group of misfits have posted.

Day 4: Backwards

Backwards. Don't we all sometimes wish we could go back in time? Get a do over?

I certainly do.

Right now, for example, I'm wishing I could rewind time about three weeks or so, to that moment when MikeWJ said, "Are you fucking kidding me? You know we're going to hate this, right? Fine, whatever. We'll do it. But don't come whining to me when you're too busy to take photos and comment every day.", when I asked him if we could host a photo challenge in September.

Add your link for Day 4 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. Cheryl  
2. Ykcin  
3. Nora Blithe  
4. Babs  
5. CheesyMike  
6. sufud  
7. Do You Trust Me  
8. Agent 54  
9. meleah rebeccah #teamlame  
10. Lauren  
11. Malisa WTF  
12. Star Traci  
13. ReformingGeek  
14. I fucked up today and accidentally posted late  
15. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
16. Janine  
17. Shawn  

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A quick reminder to those of you who have already lost their list and are struggling to remember what the upcoming prompts are, here's the list again:

1. Ice Cream
2. Illuminate
3. Soft
4. Backwards
5. Mushroom
6. Two Birds, One Stone
7. Seven
8. Texture
9. Disguise
10. Close-up
11. Girly
12. Tremor
13. Wrong
14. NSFW
15. China
16. Biblical
17. My Junk
18. Always
19. Never
20. Transparent
21. Anatomy
22. Frustration
23. Tolstoy
24. Carnival
25. Poison
26. Rising
27. NSEW
28. Lover
29. Circle
30. Happily Ever After *

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Soft

Bob is three days old today. Only 27 more to go until I can murder him in his sleep and bury him in the backyard. Link up at the bottom of the page, and go check out the rest of the photos. Oh, and try not to bash me on the head with anything.

Day 3: Soft

I know, I know, so predictable. But how could I not post a photo of my gorgeous Yoda today? Besides, if there's one thing the internet is in dire need of, it's more cats.

Add your link for Day 3 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. Nicky  
2. MikeWJ  
3. the old softie dufus  
4. Agent 54  
5. CheesyMike  
6. meleah rebeccah  
7. Lauren  
8. Star Traci  
9. ReformingGeek  
10. Nora Blithe  
11. Tami VZ  
12. Babs  
13. Malisa  
14. Cough cough cough Katherine  
15. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
16. Cheryl who's working her ass off  
17. Janine  
18. Shawn  

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Monday, September 2, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Illuminate

It's already Day 2 of this wonderful challenge that was all MikeWJ's fault. Time flies when you're having fun, eh?

Today's theme is Illuminate. Link up at the bottom of the page and don't forget to check out the other participants and tell them they light up your world. Or something.

Day 2: Illuminate

My photo for today is of the bling that M brought me from London a few days ago. It's so bright and shiny it lights up the room. He's in Paris now, and I'm eagerly waiting to see if he'll bring me back something even shinier this time.

Add your link for Day 2 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Cheryl  
3. Nora Blithe  
4. Shawn  
5. CheesyMike  
6. Star Traci  
7. Nicky  
8. Babs  
9. Bright dufus  
10. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
11. Lauren  
12. ReformingGeek  
13. Katherine  
14. meleah rebeccah  
15. Agent 54  
16. Malisa WTF  
17. Tami VZ  
18. Janine  

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Sunday, September 1, 2013

30 Days of Photographs IV: Ice Cream

Welcome, suckers, to Bob, also known as 30 Days of Photographs IV. Bigger, better, and ten times more traumatizing than last time, this is the king of all challenges. Anyone who makes it through to the end, will be awarded with absolutely nothing, but it'll be worth it. Because, you know, it'll be over...

Link up at the bottom of the page, and make sure to go check out the other participants' photos. The calories are free today.

Day 1: Ice Cream


Add your link for Day 1 of 30 DoP IV here:

1. MikeWJ  
2. Katherine the Ill  
3. Start Traci  
4. Shawn  
5. Babs  
6. Nicky  
7. dufus  
8. Nora  
9. meleah rebeccah  
10. Lauren @Think Spin  
11. Cheryl  
12. Tami VZ  
13. Malisa WTF  
14. Boom Boom@Bob's #teamlame  
15. Challenges and ice cream go well together (P.J.)  
16. CheesyMike  
17. ReformingGeek  
18. Janine  
19. Celia  

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