
Friday, October 21, 2011

Something Important to Tell You, I Have

Come everybody, come. Gather around.



Not that close.

Okay, good. Please say hello to the newest addition to our family. This is Yoda.

Now, take a good look at him. Look closer. Closer. Good. You won’t be seeing much more of him, because Yoda will have a normal childhood, and not be ruined by fame like Darth Vader was. He will not be teased by all the other cats, have them laughing at him, mocking him for having a blogging mom who keeps posting pictures of him with no clothes on. He will not have to rise above the teasing, only to become a snotty diva with a huge head, begging his poor blogger mommy to take more pictures of him. He will have a normal, low-key, only a few pictures a day kind of childhood. He will be a normal cat, dammit!

….okay, just a few more pictures. But these are the last ones, I promise!



  1. You know how it is when cats lick themselves and get hairballs stuck in their throats and they hack and hack until they cough it up?

    Yeah, me too.

  2. Awwww... he's soooo cuuuuute! Does he meow backwards?

  3. What a sweet baby you have there. I'm glad you aren't going to exploit him.

  4. Whatever MWJ if you had the chance to lick and lick yourself until you hacked up a hairball, you'd never leave the house

  5. Wow! I've never seen a Finnish cat before.

  6. You know someone is going to leak these photos to the press don't you?

  7. Ah Madge.  You took the words right out of my mouth.  (pun intended)

  8. Damn straight, Madge! And don't think I haven't tried, either.

  9. I'm sending Evil Twin for that cat.  My cat needs a toy. You are giving it way too much attention. 

    Hee Hee.

    Adorable but isn't Lord Vader jealous?

  10. Aww Yoda and Darth are totally going to become best pals, which means that the whole series is going to need a rewrite.

  11. Is that a real cat?  I think he looks like a stuffed toy.  He's very adorable though either way.  I love me some kitty puddin'.

  12. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! Oh my goodness. Yoda is totally-super-adorable!

  13. He is gorgeous. Great shots. Love the sharp and soft contrast.

    My cat has a heart condition. They want to do further tests, a cardiogram. I wonder if they'll make her do the nuclear stress test. I bet it includes dogs.

  14. Oh wow, you're right, it is! This is so cool, my cat is from outer space.

  15. Thanks Lauren. I'm so sorry to hear your cat is sick. Let's hope they keep the dogs out of it, though. No good will ever come out of that.

  16. I know, right?? He's also totally-super-adorable when he jumps up on the bed and tries to licks my face when I'm trying to sleep. With the places that tongue's been, I do NOT want it near my face.

  17. I promise, it's not a stuffed toy. He is pretty full of himself, though...

  18. I know, I already contacted George Lucas and he's on it. Star Wars will never be the same again.

  19. Lord Vader is extremely jealous and is doing his very best to kill Yoda every chance he gets. I even had to hide his lightsaber. Such a bummer.

  20. Oh crap, you're right. It's going to be just like with Darth Vader. Paparazzi everywhere, following us around. I'm going to start drinking again, Yoda will resort to plastic surgery and Darth Vader will be so jealous that he'll start to dress provocatively and following the paparazzi around with no boxers on.

  21. Thanks Madge, he's a real sweetie.

  22. He does! It's incredible. And when you record it and play the backwards meow backwards, you can hear he's really saying "may the force be with you" in French. I wonder if he's actually Canadian.

  23. I have a sinkin feeling that you tried and actually succeeded. Now I'm trying really hard to unsee that image in my mind.

  24. Just stopped by to see what's going on over here and look what I found! A gorgeous little Yoda! I'm so glad I thought of you and got a chance to see your little guy during his brief moment in the spotlight. Perfect photos!



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