The other day all the dangly little bits at the back of my mouth suddenly realized that they were subject to the laws of physics, and as such they were pulled downwards by a little thing called gravity while at the same time being affected by a little thing I like to call the common cold. The common cold is a nasty little bug that gets you when you least expect it. It turned all the dangly little bits into huge dangly bits, that immediately lost all their dangly properties and instead adopted a nasty habit of just resting quite uncomfortably on the back of my tongue, getting in the way of everything I try to eat or drink and making me talk like I’m a great fan of storing a whole hot potato in my mouth for later use. Which I’m not. I support immediate use of whole hot potatoes. At the same time, the nasty little bug called the common cold planted a mucus factory in my sinuses, and went to work producing impressive amounts of snot, most of which I expel through my nose into what I can only assume is a small rainforest worth of tissues.
At the moment my brain is tired of working, so in lieu of intelligent text, I’ll serve you up some pictures, like a good blogger should.
My beautiful Kindle, which has kept me company while the nasty little bug has been trying to turn my body into mush (it’s a technical term.)
We call this a “tree.”
These are “roses” that M gave me.
This is me trying to be artsy. Apparently a fancy camera doesn’t come with free skills.
This is Tiger, he keeps me company when I’m too tired to read. He’s way better at it than M.