It seems like people like to remember and celebrate stuff like the 100th post, and the one-year anniversary, the two-year anniversary, the 500th post, the 666th post, you know stuff like that. So in order to be a little original, I won’t mention that this is my 100th post at all, and I’ll focus on something completely different than the fact that this is my 100th post on this blog. Like, for example, did you know that you are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider? It’s a real shame it’s not an irrational fear of champagne corks that I have, that would have saved me a lot of problems. I had no idea people frowned upon accidentally driving up onto the sidewalk when you notice there’s a spider sitting on your steering wheel. You’d think if there ever was a time to drive on the sidewalk, that would be it. Also, did you know that a hippo can open its mouth wide enough to fit a 4-foot tall child inside? Or a 4-foot piece of wood. Or a 4-foot garden gnome. Anything that’s 4 feet tall and you want to get rid of, really.

Have a toddler you want to get rid of? Throw it right in!
On this, the day when I won’t mention that this is my 100th post at all, M and I are going to go see my BFF Zelma play some Irish music in a pub. She’s in a band where she plays the violin, some dude plays the guitar, and some other chick who might like to be called Zeidi plays the violin and another dude plays the drums and yet another chick plays the violin, and then there’s this other dude on guitar and one dude on bass. I’ve never heard the entire band play, but after today I’ll know if they suck or not. They better be great, though, this is after all my 100th post, which I won’t mention.
Tomorrow, coincidentally on the day after my 100th post, M and I have to get up at the crack of dawn and attend a wedding somewhere in the virgin forest where M grew up. I already painted my nails a nice shade of black to go with the summer theme.
Well I guess that’s about all I have to say today, since I’m not going to mention that this is my 100th post. I sure hope everyone has a nice weekend. *

This Is My 100th Post, But You Didn't Hear It From Me