I take full responsibility for "video". See, I had an amazing idea for this prompt. I was going to take a photo of a tree. The same photo of the same tree for 30 days in a row, then make it into a video where you could see the leaves changing and falling off. Well, the leaves have fallen off alright, and I have two photos of the tree. Doesn't make for very good video.
So instead, and I apologize from the bottom of my heart for this, this is what you're getting. Blame Mike, he sent it to me.

Hmmmmmm. Let me think on this...and I'll be back.
ReplyDeleteIt's true - still water runs deep!
ReplyDeleteHah, I'm not sure how deep a monkey on a horse, is, but I'll take it.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure this is a good thing.......
ReplyDeletenow i really have to use the bathroom.
ReplyDeletesoothing music.
Yikes. The segue-way could use a bit of work but overall I'd give this a 2.5 star rating.
ReplyDelete2.5 out of... 15? Having never ever used video editing software before, I'm rather proud of my late night project, even with the crappy transition.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure you and I are watching the same video.
ReplyDeleteNo! Out of 5. I'm impressed that you actually figured out how to use video editing software. After what it took me to finally record something, I didn't have the time or the will to try to edit what I put together.
ReplyDeleteI'm very sad that you missed my stunning M&Ms. They're so much more appealing than my lousy video.
I've been busy, I've not seen any of the M&M photos yet, except Mike's because he starts crying like a girl if I don't comment. But yeah, I'm on my way. ;)
ReplyDeleteYour idea with the trees was awesome not only was it a great idea, but impressive that you even know how to do that! This video.... I love the monkey on the horse... I knew there had to be a pay off for the calm water portion- and you didn't disappoint :)
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing. I'm going to play it on loop for the rest of the day. I was secretly hoping the monkey rode his horse into the river, but perhaps that'll happen in the sequel?
ReplyDeleteI call the monkey Mike since he sent it to me. And it sort of looks like him, too. I actually don't know how to put together a whole bunch of photos to a video, but I'm sure I could've figured it out. But as it it, I didn't have to. :D
ReplyDeleteI'll send you the full HD version to maximise the viewing experience. ;)
ReplyDeleteI'm planning on making about seven sequels to this, so that monkey is going to live for a long time yet.
Thanks for the idea, Mo, you rock. ;)
What a surprise...water! Giddyup!
ReplyDeleteHahaha! I'm glad I didn't stop this gorgeous video!
ReplyDeleteHah, thank you for playing it all the way through. ;)
ReplyDeleteYep. Water. Goodness, there's just no pleasing you these days.
ReplyDeleteWoooot! Gundam Style!
ReplyDeleteEvery time I stop by here I always have to go to the bathroom for some reason.
ReplyDeleteThat's a prostate problem, not my blog.
ReplyDeleteOh yes!
ReplyDeleteAnd no I cannot get that song out of my head!
ReplyDeleteMeleah, Gundam were the toys that our boys played with...although when my daughter heard the song the first time she thought it was saying Gundam it is...
ReplyDeleteI love this, especially since you put such late night effort into making it for us. The overture at the beginning was putting me to sleep except for the running water which was turning my aging bladder into a ticking time bomb. I'm glad that I could hold it until the dancing started although then I started giggling and well, remember that bladder...
ReplyDeleteBhHAhAHhHHAhAHAHahHAhahaHA! Condom. AhahHAhHhaHAHAAH
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome! :D
ReplyDeleteHah! I'm so sorry my video took a toll on your bladder, I certainly hope there was not accident... If there was, blame Michael. ;)
ReplyDeleteBahahahahahaha! I wish he'd recorded that instead of his philosophy of life. Hell, I'd pay to see him crying like a little baby.
ReplyDeleteThe horse-riding monkey really needed to ride off the edge of the cliff - you've produced a cliff hanger .... gangnam style.
This is so amazing, but amazing comes with a price: that song is now stuck in my head. Again.
ReplyDeleteTune in for the sequel to see if monkey Mike makes it off the ledge or not...
ReplyDeleteHmm.. How much money are we talking? Because I could totally make it happen.
ReplyDeleteJust spit-balling here but my guess is you'd make it happen for nary a penny.
ReplyDeleteI love your idea about the tree too. I did it with a rose on a hot summer day. That was easy since I just had to step outside very hour or so & shoot. I didn't think to mark where I stood when I took any of the photos. That would have made it so much easier to get the same angle. I think figuring out how to string photos together is easier than figuring out film editing. I did a great series of my dad & set it to music. I'd have posted it if it wasn't a year or 2 old.
ReplyDeleteI can read this, you know.
ReplyDeleteThe first time I watched your video, I was fooled. I thought you'd been converted by the gods of peace and serenity and slipped over to the bright side, where all of life is like a happy river gently tumbling over stones and everybody in town rides a unicorn to work at the butterfly and rainbow factory.
ReplyDeleteThen the monkey hoved into view, the music changed -- I hate that piece of crap song -- the monkey danced drunkenly until it collapsed, and I knew that all was well with Ziva. And I laughed, long and loud.
Excellent work, and it almost makes up for that other brilliant idea you had about the tree. Maybe you can try that one again, starting today, and photographing for a year.
I suspect he's going down. Which reminds of a lyric to a non-gangnam song:
ReplyDeleteWe are falling down
Down to the bottom of a hole in the ground
Smoke 'em if you got 'em
I'm so scared I can hardly breathe
I may never see my sweetheart again
I don't want to know anything about LaughingMom's bladder issues. I have enough of my own. You can't believe how often I have to get up right in the middle of a conversation to pee. It's embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteIt's way better if you watch the entire thing, to be sure.
ReplyDeleteAs if we would've known. I'm impressed by your honesty, Cheryl. I haven't used a single photo taken this year myself.
ReplyDeleteIt does take a surprising turn toward the end.
ReplyDeleteyeah, same video. music was soothing. until the end
ReplyDeleteHow lovely, and sad. Let's hope poor Monkey Mike makes it.
ReplyDeleteDufus seems to have the same problem, maybe he can help you?
ReplyDeleteIs it just me, or does this video defy any sort of analysis and/or deep thought? It is, I think, the very definition of farce.
ReplyDeleteThen again, perhaps Danielle is seeing something I'm not. And that worries me.
What is the hidden message of the dancing monkey, then? That all of life is a dangerous dance on the edge of a precipice that plunges into the Reichenbach Falls? That all of us are fatalistically wound up like mechanical toys, and live out our lives in a predetermined and predictable yet oddly random and comical way that ultimately ends in futile collapse? That some songs should never be recorded, no matter how popular they become?
I cannot answer these questions. I am...aghast.
Please come back, Danielle. Tell us your secret knowledge.
My god, Michael. I want a unicorn so badly. I would ride it to work every day. Of course, I work in hell, but still. I want that unicorn. Can you make it happen? Pretty please?
ReplyDeleteThe end really fucks it up, doesn't it.
ReplyDeleteDammit Mike, you've scared her away now. She's never coming back. Go dance on that ledge, Monkey Mike! Dance, monkey, dance!
ReplyDeleteNo accident, but we can still blame Michael for something, right?
ReplyDeleteHell yes.
ReplyDeletenah, just a twist.
ReplyDeleteI was being lulled into this nice, peaceful video. Enjoying the rushing water. Wondering why you were including the concrete dam. About to shut the video off when wooppee! Bourbon and coke ended up all over my laptop. It was awesome!
ReplyDeleteMust I tell you how much I like that monkey? You are brilliant, Ziva!
I drifted off into blissful sleep and had the weirdest dream about a monkey riding a horse to some techno song that I couldn't understand. This contest is getting to me.
ReplyDeleteVIRAL VIRAL VIRAL!!! I AM DYING!!!!!!!!!! This is a surprise, a laugh outloud complete surprise! I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!
ReplyDeleteLOL! Awesomeness for sure! :)
ReplyDeleteHave a drink, Jamie, it's going to get worse before it gets better.
ReplyDeleteHaha, thank you Malisa! Monkey Mike has brought me so much pleasure with his galloping, I'm only happy to spread the joy.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kevin! Glad you liked it! ;)
ReplyDelete:D Haha, thank you so very very much, Katherine. Gotta love someone who appreciates quality monkey videos.
ReplyDeleteSheesh, there's just no place on this internet thing to get any privacy.
ReplyDeleteNow that I've researched what the hell Gangnam Style is, this actually makes sense. (I'm a complete loser when it comes to pop culture.)
ReplyDeleteHah, I'm not sure this is ever really going to make sense to anyone, including me, but hey, at least it rated me 2.5 stars. ;)
ReplyDeleteI must confess, I laughed out loud. But I refuse to abbreviate it. Ha!
ReplyDeleteEvil man. depriving me of my hard-earned lols.
ReplyDeleteI give, I get. It all evens out. x