Now, the rules. Last time we did this I was astounded by the sheer number of grown people who couldn’t follow simple instructions, so Michael and I decided to be a little more lenient this time. One of the biggest issues was the linking to other blogs, so I will shamelessly rip off Nicky’s 30 Days of Writing system with the linky thing. You post your photo (preferably as early in the day as possible, mine will go up at 6 am Mountain Standard Time,) and once it’s up, you visit my blog, add the link to your photo on the linky thing, and you’re done. If you choose not to post one day, e.g. on day 27, you just don’t add any link, and you’re off the hook. I will still come after you with the whip though, as added incentive.
We won’t restrict the number of words in your post, but if it’s more than 250 Michael won’t read it. If, on the other hand, Michael’s post were to exceed 250 words one day, say on day 27, I will personally force him to read every single post every single participant has ever posted. You can use any photo you’ve taken since September 1st, and you can use whatever trickery or witchcraft you want to make it suck less. Be advised though, we will mercilessly mock you if your trickery includes sepia tones.
Now, without further ado, I give you greatest thing since LOLcats, The List:
1. Shiny
2. Fast
3. Above my head
4. Sour
5. Lotion
6. Vibration
7. Craftsman
8. Hair
9. Rules
10. Stalker
11. Heavy
12. Five
13. Calm
14. Secret
15. My favorite food
16. Bullshit
17. Coins
18. Qwerty
19. Steel
20. Nails
21. Broken
22. Neutral
23. Underwater
24. M&M’s
25. Video
26. Heart
27. Kafkaesque
28. Autumn
29. The city
30. Blackout
Who’s in? *