So, hanging out in the cemetery, huh?
I could write about a person that meant the world to me. Someone taken from me too early, by circumstances out of my control. I could write about the sorrow and the sadness. But I don’t have time. See, as some of you might remember, I’m getting married. To get married, you apparently need a wedding. And to make a wedding happen, you apparently need nerves of steel, money by the bucketload, more time than Aung San Suu Kyi had during her house arrest and, for some inexplicable reason, ice in the shape of farm animals.
Right now I’m dealing with meetings with the priest, the photographer and the catering. I have to go to the hairdresser’s, twice, have a manicure, pedicure and everything else-cure. I have to find someone to do my make-up, I have to order my flowers and write a booklet with songs and all sorts of cute lovey-dovey stuff about M and I. I have to have my engagement ring polished and am travelling two hours by train to Helsinki to try on my dress, then two hours back to Turku after work some days. I have to do the seating arrangement, pick songs and drinks and foods and which relatives to accidentally forget. I have to decide what the ceremony will be like, and whether we want strawberry or raspberry cake. I have to make place cards and starch lace using sugar and water. I have to find the right kind of thread for a detail on my dress, I have to decide on red or white, make sure M gets a suit, and that there is transportation for everyone, that the reception venue is all pretty and that everyone knows their tasks, all the while I’m planning trips, making weekend plans and getting up before 6 am to be at work by 7:30.
So yeah, I’m sorry, but you’re not getting a post today, either. But by the end of this ordeal, I might very well be dead, in which case I’ll be doing a lot of hanging out in the cemetery and I’ll tell you all about it.
Please visit We Work For Cheese for a list of much better writers with a lot more time on their hands. *